Full time remediation - Ananya

Ananya Learning and Research Centre (ALRC)

Pre-Primary Section: This arm of MDA addresses the skill deficits of children in the age group 3 to 5 years. We screen them for pre – learning skills  and then follow it up with remediation for children at risk.

ALRC is a full time pull out remediation centre for children with Specific Learning Difficulties Remedial intervention is offered for children between the ages of 6 to 12, where the child is pulled out of the main stream school and  given a remedial program based on multi sensory approach

This program is offered to the child after an Assessment of his/ her strengths and needs using global standardised assessment tools.

The remediation program is offered for a period of one year at the minimum to two years at the maximum, depending on the intensity of the remediation required after which the child mainstreamed back to the regular school.

An Individual Education Program (IEP) is drawn out for the child based on his strengths and needs. It consists of skill building, need based and activity oriented learning

Holistic Development: Apart from academics and skill building, Ananya Learning and Research centre focuses on the Holistic Development of the child with a view to nurture innate abilities, talents and interests of the child. Every child is exposed to the following 6 areas of co curricular activities namely

  • Yoga to help children discipline their mind and channelize their energies in a focussed manner
  • Dramatics to unearth the potential that every child has to act. This activity helps to improve dialogue delivery and fosters social interaction thereby building self confidence
  • Music is considered as a calming therapy and the children are given lessons by musically trained teachers. Simple songs in different languages are taught
  • Art & Craft helps to develop concentration and fine motor skills and eye hand coordination which are an integral part of development of the child.  
  • Games  Playing in an open ground, running , skipping with team games releases abundant energy in the child which aids in social interaction
  • Hydra is one of the arms of MDA focussed on nurturing the natural potential of children. The team at Hydra consists of trained teachers and mental health professionals and works in technical partnership with Vidya Sagar, Chennai. The environment at Hydra is caring and non-threatening. This encourages the children to let go of any stress and feelings of low self worth that often accompany the condition of dyslexia. It helps them feel accepted for who they are.

Occupational Therapy, also known as OT  is an important component in Remediation. It focuses on helping children with physical ability, sensory integration , attention and concentration difficulty to enhance their skills along with self esteem and performance in the classroom.

An Assessment is done by a Senior Occupational Therapist and an in house program & schedule is drawn up, customised to the needs of each child. Progress is monitored by an in-house therapist. A home program is also recommended for children requiring more intensive therapy.
An OT session in progress http://youtu.be/wU7am62drCo

Counselling: ARLC  ties up with Professional  Behavioural and Health Services to provide counselling for children and parents as part of the personality development of the child

There is a in- house counsellor who interacts with the child and the parent and also conducts periodic workshops for them

The teachers are also given orientation on child behaviour to help them handle different behavioural issues in the classroom

The Team: Any remediation is a three way interaction between the child, parent and the teacher with the child being the central part. Periodic meetings are conducted with parents where they are updated on the child’s progress and briefed on how to monitor the child’s home work and assignments allowing independence in a responsible way

As the child is ready to be sent back to the mainstream school, Ananya recommends a remedial teacher after school hours for the child to provide guidance in coping with the academic program

We believe “Every child is unique” and should have individual attention, love and acceptance. Every child is not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding.

The Remediation program at the A L R C is carried out by a team of dedicated and trained special educators focussed on building skills, channelizing energies and nurturing innate talents of the child thus ensuring a smooth transition to the mainstream school as confident and positive individuals.

It is our endeavour to make each child our Brand Ambassador in the accomplishment of our objectives.

Watch our children showcasing their motor co-ordiantion developed through Movement Therapy

“We believe in teaching the child the way he learns and not in the way we know how”.

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Chidren with Dyslexia learn differently - so we teach differently!

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About MDA

A group of parents of children with dyslexia, educationists empathetic to the cause, and philanthropists founded MDA in 1992. Madras Dyslexia Association (MDA) is a non-profit service organization established to take a pragmatic approach to helping children with “Dyslexia”.

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