Pre Primary Section-Early Intervention.
Madras Dyslexia Association (MDA) has for the last 25 years, been working in the areas of awareness, identification and remedial for children with Dyslexia and other Learning Difficulties. Our work has focused on children in primary school all the way up to high school.
In our silver jubilee year, we have taken on a new journey towards, the Lifelong Management of Dyslexia.
Towards this purpose we have launched a Pre Primary Intervention programme. This programme focuses on children between the ages of 3 to 5 years – children in pre primary section. It focuses on early identification of children at risk and providing guidance to children and parents towards necessary early intervention, including remediation.
The importance of early intervention
The first five years of a child’s life are very formative years. Their brain is developing rapidly and they display a range of abilities, needs and challenges. The abilities that can be noticed in children this young include –
The needs that children have at this stage include
They face several challenges as well and those include
When there are difficulties in any of these areas, it hampers development of the child. Early intervention creates a recognition and response system to help children who may be at risk for learning difficulties as early as possible. Before they experience failure in school.
Child at Risk
The term ‘at risk’ is used to denote difficulties which children may experience in the formative years. If these difficulties are not addressed immediately they may lead to learning difficulties at a later stage.
Risk indicators*
*(Source: Learning Disabilities and Young Children: Identification and Intervention. By: National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities, USA.)
Referral process
If the class teacher or parent has observed a delay in any of the areas mentioned above and are convinced that the child has consistently displayed this behavior for some time, it may be wise to refer the child for assessment.
Considering the age of the child, the assessment process itself cannot be very long and tiresome. However we need as much information about the child as possible to make a correct diagnosis. To aid this process some background information and material used by the child becomes imperative. Given below is a list of material that needs to be sent by the school and parents when the child comes for assessment.
From school :
From parents:
How to use the referral letter
You will find a referral letter LINK given below. It can be downloaded , filled out and emailed to:
Areas of concern have been categorized; kindly refer to ‘Risk Indicators’ on page 2 for details.
A child who is smart but seems to be lazy in completing his work, may not be lazy but may have dyslexia..!
Help us make difference
A group of parents of children with dyslexia, educationists empathetic to the cause, and philanthropists founded MDA in 1992. Madras Dyslexia Association (MDA) is a non-profit service organization established to take a pragmatic approach to helping children with “Dyslexia”.